Monday, December 8, 2014

Introduction to antivirus review website

     Hello everybody , This is first time of my website that will share you about antivirus reviewing . because My job role is System engineer who is response about servers and clients administrative , therefore many times I had encountered the viruses , malwares , trojans or unwanted softwares problem . That 's made me has to improve and update  myself and about antivirus technology .
     That 's why I would like to create this website to share my experience , knowledge and opinion about antivirus (both free and commercial) I had used.
     At the first intro page I would like to share you about virus categories ,
Actually Many of criteria that are used for divide viruses type but for me , I use "behavior" of virus distribution to put its into each division.

1. File Virus - Calling the program that is infected by virus , such - when you download program from internet and double click on it to do installation so this virus will activate.

2. Boot Virus - Calling the virus that infect to MBR (Master Boot Record) or boot sector of Hard drive and Normally it's hard to clean it out unless you do
1) use the boot-sector scanning antivirus
2) do MBR fixing or rewrite


3. Macro virus - Calling the virus that infected to document (most are microsoft word or excel) which use the "Macro function" on that document to activate and attack your systems


4. Worm - Calling the software that can be spread itself from computer-to-computer by media (most is networking) such e-mail , link click URL ,etc
     Normally worm is quite dangerous virus .

5. Trojan - Calling the virus that has behavior of impersonation to be the good-software or hiding itself into our system without any notification and may be sniffing for some information such as internet banking id and password.


So I think there are many type of viruses that can be used for classify it .but this is another one example of virus classification.

       Next article , I will write the antivirus reviewing for you please follow my article ^0^ THanks for reading.

Hope you fun .

credit : free antivirus, antivirus free, free antivirus software, free antivirus protection, antivirus software free, antivirus free trial, free trial antivirus, free antivirus trial, free antivirus scan

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